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What is the process for purchasing real estate in Lakshadweep?


The Lakshadweep Islands, India's smallest union territory spanning 32.69 sq km with 36 islands, permits visits to only 10, while the remaining islands remain uninhabited. Out of these 10, only three are accessible to foreigners, and obtaining a permit is mandatory for entry. Following Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Lakshadweep on January 2, 2024, the destination's popularity has surged significantly, surpassing many other tourist spots and emerging as a top choice for visitors. This leads to a crucial inquiry about real estate presence in the region and the process of acquiring property, which we will explore in detail in this article.

Inhabited islands in Lakshadweep

Lakshadweep is made of 12 atolls, three reefs, five submerged banks and ten inhabited islands. The inhabited islands in Lakshadweep are Kavaratti, Agatti, Amini, Kadmat, Kiltan, Chetlat, Bitra, Andrott, Kalpeni and Minicoy. Bitra is the smallest island and has a population of around 271 persons, according to the 2011 census.

Infrastructure in Lakshadweep

According to the 2011 census, Lakshadweep is home to around 64,429 residentsLakshadweep can be reached by ships and by air. Kochi in Kerala is from where you can board the flight to reach Lakshadweep. Kochi is around 440 km from Lakshadweep.

Can an Indian buy a property in Lakshadweep?



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Yes, an Indian can buy a property in Lakshadweep. However, it is not as easy as investing in real estate in other parts of the country. One has to do a thorough research on if the place he is buying a property in has all permissions from the local administration for development of real estate projects.

How to search land records in Lakshadweep?

  • From the drop down box select island, enter survey no. and sub division no. and click on search. You will see the land records that will help you make informed decisions.

Public utilities in Lakshadweep

Mentioned are the public utilities in Lakshadweep. With the presence of these utilities, the real estate here will also slowly show an upward growth.

There are 13 banks, 13 guest houses, 10 postal centres, 13 electricity offices, 10 hospitals and 14 ship ticketing counters here.

Cost of construction of residential property in Lakshadweep

As per experts, to construct a residential property of around 900 sqft, the construction cost is between Rs 15 – Rs 18 lakh.

Cost of construction of commercial property in Lakshadweep

As per experts, to construct a commercial property of around 900 sqft, the construction cost is between Rs 9 – Rs 11 lakh.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans 1. Yes, an Indian national can buy a property in Lakshadweep if he has all the permissions and authorization from the local authority for it.

Ans 2. No. You can buy a residential or a commercial property in Lakshadweep Islands.

Ans 3. Lakshadweep is made of around 36 islands.

Ans 4. An Indian can visit 10 islands and foreigners can visit only three.

Ans 5. Lakshadweep is connected from Kochi in Kerala.