How to use FACEBOOK for real estate sector


Why should real estate sector agents use social media?


Facebook isn't just about sharing cute and funny cat videos or showing pictures of your family. It is also an excellent tool for real estate agents to use in marketing the properties they sell.


Facebook is one of the best social media platforms to use for real estate success. More than 2.3 billion people use the platform every month, and more than 1.5 billion people use it daily. While other social media platforms, such as Instagram and Snapchat, tend to attract a group of fewer than 25 years old, Facebook is more popular among older people, who are the same people who are likely to be in the local market. About 30 percent of the Facebook advertising audience is between 25 and 34 years old, the most likely age group to buy a home.


Facebook not only helps real estate agents communicate with the home buyer's audience. It also provides one of the highest return on investment (ROI) for digital advertising. About 30 percent of marketers stated that Facebook provided the highest return on investment for digital ads.


If you haven't started using Facebook yet or haven't seen the usage results you want, here's what you can do to get the most out of your social media presence.


Why should real estate agents use social media?


As the world is becoming increasingly digital, it is imperative that real estate agents stay in constant touch. The way people search for real estate has changed in recent decades. In the early 1980s, people checked the listings in the newspaper when they wanted to buy a home. By 2016, over 40 percent of buyers started searching for a home online.


Among millennial buyers, 99 percent of their home searches start searching online. Many search houses on Google and YouTube use hashtags and other search terms to find properties on Facebook.


Facebook is generally the most popular social platform between real estate agents and homebuyers. About 80 percent of respondents to the realtor technology survey said they used Facebook.


There are many reasons for using Facebook and other social media platforms to connect with potential buyers and boost your listings. One of the most important reasons why Facebook is worth trying is because it gives you the ability to target HD demographics.


With Facebook, you can define your advertising audience to the last detail. If you want your real estate ads to reach the people who just got married, and who are planning to have a child, and their annual income is between 50,000 and 100,000 USD, you can do that.


Facebook business pages also offer real estate agents a suite of measurement and analytics tools. The tools let you know who your ads and posts are connected to. It also allows you to make adjustments to your posts and ads to better reach your target audience.


Facebook tips for real estate agents


The first step in using Facebook is to create a business page for your real estate company. You want to create a Facebook business page, not a profile, even if you are an individual real estate agent and do not work for a larger company. Business pages offer more features than profiles, as well as the ability to create ads and promote posts.


The first thing you should do when creating your Facebook page is to choose a custom name and URL. The name of your page will appear in the URL, such as To avoid confusion, try matching your Facebook page name to your company name or website address. If your Facebook URL matches your company’s name and your website’s URL, it will be easy for people to find your profile, either by searching on Facebook or by searching on Google.


Once you have created a business page, you want to do everything possible to make the page attractive and attractive to potential buyers.


Profile photo: The image you upload as a picture of your profile must be at least 180 x 180 pixels. Ideally, you will need to use a professional photo of yourself or your entire real estate team as your profile photo.


Cover photo: Facebook cover photos are 820 pixels wide and 312 pixels high. If you are using a smaller image, Facebook will stretch the image to fit the space, which may make the image appear blurry or distorted. The cover photo is what the person first sees when landing on your page, so it is essential that they are attractive, eye-catching, and relevant. One option is to use an image from one of your existing listings as a cover photo.


About information: The “About” section gives you space to share your company's contact information, such as email address, phone number, website, as well as their opening hours and when they started. You also have space to create a short CV or Business description, which can allow people to know what sets you apart from being a real estate agent, what specializes in you and any other information you deem relevant and worth sharing.


Create a call to action button


Towards the end of 2014, Facebook introduced a Call to Action (CTA) button for business pages. The CTA button appears at the top of the company’s page, next to the “Like” button in the bottom left of the cover photo.


If you decide to use the CTA button, you can choose from several options, including:




call us


Use the app


Book now


Watch the video


Some CTAs make more sense to real estate agents than others. "Watching the video" might be a good option if you recently uploaded a video tour of a home. The "Contact Us" option is also a good option if you want to increase your potential customers.


Another great feature of the CTA button is that it can direct the user to a website located on Facebook or outside Facebook. For example, a "Watch Video" CTA can take a visitor to your YouTube page, while a "Contact Us" button can take people to the contact form on your website. "Book now" can direct people to an online scheduling system, where they can schedule an appointment to visit a home or appointment with you or one of your agents.


Create useful custom tabs


When creating a Facebook business page, several tabs come standard. Tabs appear at the bottom of the cover image and along the sidebar on the left side of the page. The standard tabs you'll see on the Facebook Business page include:










You also have the option to create and add custom tabs to your page. One of the advantages of adding custom tabs to your page is the opportunity to direct visitors and people who loved your work to specific content. For example, you can create a "Reviews" tab that will display the reviews and ratings people have left for you. You can also create a "Videos" tab if you want to direct people to the videos in your lists. If you regularly schedule Open House or First Time Home Buyer information sessions, it makes sense to create a "Events" tab to direct people to your next programs.


How to Build A Facebook Page For Business
How to Build A Facebook Page For Business


Creating custom tabs for your real estate page requires a little effort on your part. To do the tabs, you need to log into your developer account, which you can do with your usual login information. Once logged in, you choose to create a new app and then add the app to your platform. After adding the tab to your page, you can re-login to regular Facebook and organize your custom tabs as you like.


Share content


After creating your Facebook page, the next step is to start interacting with your audience, i.e. people who loved your page. Your audience may be people who are thinking of buying a house one day, people who are actively in the market looking for a home, people looking for an agent to work with, as well as sellers who want someone to list their house and maybe help them find the stage next.


The content you share on your page must meet the needs of your audience. While you want to mix some promotional content with useful and useful content, it is best to share the useful content and make the pure promotional materials available. Here are some content ideas you can create for your Facebook page.


1. Create and share videos


The video is huge on social media. People watch over 100 million hours of video on Facebook every day. Nearly half of all Internet users watch an hour or more of their videos on Facebook or YouTube weekly.


In the real estate world, videos can help add property or listing to life. A home video for sale helps a potential buyer feel like he's already inside the house and can create a better idea of ​​how rooms in the house flow together.


2. Create and share photos


Pictures also help bring your listings to life and can give your page fans and fans a look behind the scenes. When you have a new list, create an album on Facebook and share multiple photos of the house. Hiring a professional real estate photographer to take pictures of your property will make a big difference when it comes to the overall visual attractiveness of the property and how attractive it is to buyers.


When sharing photos on Facebook, it is useful to think outside the walls of the house. Aerial photography allows you to take photos of the property from a unique angle. House photos taken from the sky can make them look impressive and impressive. The use of aerial photography can make you more attractive as an agent for people looking to sell their homes.


You don't just have to share pictures of the homes you market. Facebook is an excellent tool to humanize your business. Feel free to share photos of people who recently purchased a home through you successfully or photos of people who have successfully sold a house with your help. You can also share photos of your agents who serve the community, volunteer work or photos of activities and events across the company.


3. Advising buyers and sellers


His Facebook page allows him to prove himself as an expert. Demonstrate your knowledge and experience by creating content that helps people trying to buy or sell a home. Some useful and informative content ideas include:


First-time buyer guides: Create something like "Home Buying 101" e-book to share with the people on the market for your first home.


Quick video tips: Create a series of short videos, of less than 60 seconds duration, during which you or one of your customers answers the common questions that buyers or sellers ask.


O & C Live Video: You can also host an O & C session directly using Facebook. During the session, invite viewers to use Messenger or the comment box to post any questions they have.


Neighborhood information: Show the public that you know your area by collecting articles on local neighborhoods. Your neighborhood guides can include details of restaurants, shops, local schools, and other useful information.


How to use Facebook ads


In addition to creating a Facebook page for your business, you can benefit from using the Facebook Ads feature. One feature that makes Facebook ads particularly useful to real estate agents is the ability to target every advertisement you create to a clearly defined audience. Facebook offers a range of targeting options, including:






Family income


Occupation type


Changes in life, such as newlyweds, new or divorced parents


education level


You can even create your own ads to target the "likely to move" or "new mortgage borrowers"


Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads


Another useful feature of Facebook ads is that you don't have to create posts or separate content to use for ads. If you have a membership that works organic well, like a "Buy a Home 101" guide or a video tour of a recent listing, you can pay to promote or direct the post, ensuring that it reaches more people in your target audience.


Facebook also allows you to set a budget for your advertising investments, which are generally a dollar amount per day. You can see how many people you are likely to reach with an ad based on what you can spend. Targeting options also give you an idea of ​​the size of your general audience and the potential impact of a paid ad.


Professional real estate photographs can make your Facebook page show real estate page


With over 2 billion users, Facebook can be a powerful marketing tool for real estate agents everywhere. Creating a page on the platform allows you to view your listings, attract new clients and install yourself as an expert in the real estate industry. It can make using professional photos and videos on your Facebook page more different.


Real Estate offers professional filming services in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, and Washington DC. We are happy to answer any questions you have about your property listing pictures and help you choose the photo and video options that will attract the most targeted buyers. Call 717-687-2289 today to schedule a photo session or use the online contact form to learn more about what we offer you.


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