How AI will support the real estate industry

Optical AI can play a transformative role in improving real estate efficiency & safety by giving developers a transparent view of their projects.

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has changed the role of digital technology in business operations. These cognitive technologies have driven the added value of computing and digital processing power, from automating preprogrammed processes to converting data into actionable information. Artificial intelligence enables companies to respond in real-time, achieve system transparency, and gain valuable insight into customers, markets and operations.

AI applications are not only large in themselves, but technology can also be integrated with devices and users through multiple interfaces. For example, AI allows humans to interact with devices using natural language processing algorithms. Communication between machines and humans through speech creates the opportunity to develop intuitive and accessible interfaces.

AI sound technology has played a decisive role in the emergence of automated chat software companies use to provide consistent and efficient customer service. By combining Audio AI and ML, the latest generation of automated chat software uses algorithms to obtain actionable information and craft smart responses. Recursive learning enables automated chat software to continuously improve and apply predictive analytics to make accurate decisions. Famous digital assistants like Siri, Alexa and Cortana are chat robots that bypass customer service to offer wider applications and flexibility than traditional interfaces.

Visible artificial intelligence and how it will change business, Like the AI ​​sound, the potential applications of visual AI are endless.

Visual AI gives companies the ability to create custom deep learning tools to achieve pre-defined results. Possible applications vary such as customer support, medical diagnostics, crowd control, optically enabled tests for industrial use, and any automated process that can be further enabled with photos and videos as input.

AI can navigate, index and compile a complete data set embedded in visual information, use it to train an algorithm, and evaluate real-world results to improve learning.

How AI occupies smart buildings in the real estate industry

For several decades, the Construction and Building Administration has delayed other industries in the use of advanced digital technologies to their advantage. However, they now make up for lost time in a hurry. Given the inherent organization of the built spaces and the systematic processes involved in their manufacture, the possibilities that AI and ML can allow are multiple.

Visual AI can play a transformative role in improving construction site efficiency and safety by giving developers a transparent overview of their projects. Cognitive technologies and deep learning backed by visual AI can help advance data-driven decision-making, improve project profitability, coordinate multiple teams, and resolve complaints quickly and effectively. Extensive Visual AI applications in construction include:

• Design and planning: deep learning insights, which are presented at the project design and planning stage, can help prevent major mistakes or successive inefficiencies. Visual AI is a powerful design aid tool as well as enabling BIM modeling for the entire construction project.

• Project monitoring: the ability to learn from every stage and every aspect of the project transforms the capacity of construction companies to monitor and evaluate. Visual AI can identify and validate deviations from the plan.